About the Journal

  1. Journal Title : IJMIKI (International Journal of Medical Information and Knowledge Insights)
  2. Initials : IJMIKI
  3. Frequency : Juni dan Desember
  4. Print ISSN : XXXX-XXXX
  5. Online ISSN : XXXX-XXXX
  6. Editor in Chief : Fita Rusdian Ikawati, SE., MM., M.Kes
  8. Publisher : program studi Rekam Medis dan Infomasi Kesehatan ITSK RS dr Soepraoen Malang

IJMIKI (International Journal of Medical Information and Knowledge Insights) Jurmiki is an international journal published by the Medical Record and Health Information Study Program at ITSK RS dr Soepraoen Malang. It publishes original papers, scientific articles, and short reports related to health sciences, including information systems, management, law, and clinical aspects. Jurmiki is intended for practitioners, researchers, and students in medical records and health information. It is published biannually in (June and December).

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